The Neurodivergent Art of Balancing Chaos
One of my favourite tools for connecting with my intuition and practicing introspection is Tarot.
When the noise of ADHD and Autism are both shouting (loudly) in my head, pulling a card often helps me take a small but meaningful step toward better understanding myself.
So, when twice today—at completely different times—I pulled the Temperance card while asking what I need to focus on this coming year… it seems like a message I should listen to.
What Temperance Teaches Us
Temperance is about balance, moderation, and patience:
Letting life flow through us
Not forcing or resisting
Finding harmony
Embracing the middle path between extremes
As a self-described Chaos person, I can sometimes find this concept confusing. When I lean into the chaos and find my groove, I feel like I’m in that sweet spot of not forcing or resisting, but I don’t think I would have described it as temperance in the past.
Rethinking Balance for Neurodivergent Lives
Balance isn’t a word we usually associate with neurodivergent folks. Moderation, too, can feel… limiting.
But let’s take a closer look at what balance actually means.
We often imagine balance as a state of perfection—like those rock-stack sculptures: steady, harmonious, and unchanging.
In reality, balance is about constant micro-adjustments:
In dance, yoga, or martial arts
Standing on a moving bus or subway
Even a baby learning to walk
At first, these adjustments can feel huge and awkward. But with practice, they become smaller and second nature, happening almost without our notice.
The Secret to Finding Balance
Balance requires responsiveness.
If you’ve ever stood on a moving subway car, you know locking your body in place won’t work. The key is keeping your knees soft and allowing yourself to flow with the motion. And avoiding accidentally touching any other humans and descending into a sensory nightmare.
Life is no different. Finding balance requires gentle responsiveness, soft knees, and a willingness to fall and adjust.
2025: A Year of Balance and Chaos
In 2025, I’m rethinking the relationship between balance and chaos.
If chaos is the environment where life happens, then balance is how I respond. Probably messily at first… but with time and practice, the adjustments become smoother and easier.
Balance and Temperance don’t demand big declarations like:
“I’ll journal every day.”
“I’ll make my bed every morning.”
“I’ll cut out sugar entirely.”
Instead, they encourage us to set intentions like:
“I wonder how I couldfeel less overwhelmed and more joyful today?”
Then, it’s about experimenting: What can we add—or let go of—to get closer to that feeling? And it’s about giving ourselves permission to get it wrong and try again.
Ready to Explore Your Balance?
2025 can be a year of seeking balance, making adjustments, and learning to work with chaos rather than against it.
If this resonates with you, let’s explore it together.
Set up your 1-on-1 coaching session, or keep an eye on this space for more insights, tools, and support.